
Maintenance and maintenance of high-speed mixer


When the high-speed mixer is in use, maintenance proced […]

When the high-speed mixer is in use, maintenance procedures should be formulated. In addition to the general equipment maintenance rules, the following matters must be noted:
①It must be carried out in accordance with the operating procedures of the equipment. This is a good maintenance of the equipment.
②Pay attention to the feeding and mixing after the equipment starts normally. The feeding should be added slowly in the required order.
③Prepare seal rings, coupling rubber rings, V-belts and rolling bearings. The working parts of these parts are prone to failure, and should be replaced in time if necessary.
④ Regularly (usually in the first quarter) check whether the fasteners are loose; check the tightness of the V-belt installation; clean and remove dirt and dust from all parts of the equipment.

The repair of the mixer can generally be carried out once within a year. Pay attention to the following points:
① Check and trim the gap between the stirring blade, the scraper and the mixing chamber wall to meet the requirements of the following table.
②Disassemble each rolling bearing, clean and inspect; replace the severely worn parts. Replace the grease and sealing ring.
③Check whether the main drive shaft is bent or worn.
④Check the cleaning cylinder, replace the wearing parts of the sealing ring and guide sleeve, and check whether the piston rod is bent, deformed or worn.
⑤Make a record of the main parts after inspection, test if necessary, prepare the parts and accessories, and propose the next repair and replacement.